
FAQs - Consultants Liability Insurance

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Why do I need consultants’ liability insurance?

The consultants’ insurance policy is designed to provide public liability insurance for consultants when working away from their premises. Within your consultant's liability insurance quote is an option to add employers’ liability insurance, which will protect you against injury claims to members of your staff during the course of their employment. 

What types of business are eligible for this policy?

The consultants’ liability policy is designed to provide basic liability insurance for all types of consultants, whether you are employed or freelance. Consultants include:

What is public liability insurance?

Public liability insurance protects you against the financial loss incurred as result of injury, illness or disease sustained by a member of the public through negligence by yourself or your business. 

What is employers’ liability insurance?

Employers’ liability insurance will protect you and your business against the financial loss incurred by an employee claiming damages for illness, bodily injury or disease sustained during the course of their employment.

How do I know if I need employers' liability insurance

To comply with UK law, you must have employers’ liability insurance if you have employees. This includes trainees and temporary workers.

How do I get a policy?

constructaquote.com’s online quote comparison facility means that you simply enter your details once and our panel of insurers will provide competitive consultants liability insurance quotes for you to select from. You can also call our UK based sales team on 08081 686868.